NCLEX 75 free practice questions
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1. During a health fair, the nurse takes an adult’s blood pressure and it is 200/120 mm Hg. The nurse should base the next nursing intervention on the understanding that:
2. When helping a client with Parkinson disease to ambulate, what instructions should the nurse give the client?
3. A nurse administers carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet) to a client with Parkinson disease. Which therapeutic effect does the nurse expect the medication to produce?
4. What is the maximum amount of time the nurse should allow an older adult with a brain attack to remain in one position?
5. A client with myasthenia gravis continues to become weaker despite treatment with neostigmine (Prostigmin). What reason should the nurse identify for the health care provider’s prescription for edrophonium (Enlon)?
6. Which statement by a client with multiple sclerosis indicates to the nurse that the client needs further teaching?
7. A client has left hemiplegia because of a brain attack. What can the nurse do to contribute to the client’s rehabilitation?
8. A nurse is caring for a client in the home who has the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Which position should the nurse recommend that the client assume after eating?
9. A client is diagnosed with Parkinson disease and asks the nurse what causes the disease. On which underlying pathology does the nurse base a response?
10. Which clinical indicator is the nurse most likely to identify when assessing a client with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm?
11. What actions should the nurse include when planning for the long-term care of a client with expressive aphasia?
12. A client with a brain attack becomes incontinent of feces. What is the most important nursing action to support the success of a bowel training program?
13. A client with a brain attack has dysarthria. What should the nurse include in the plan of care to address this problem?
14. A nurse is caring for a client with the diagnosis of Guillain- Barre syndrome. The nurse identifies that the client is having difficulty expectorating respiratory secretions. What should be the nurse’s first intervention?
15. What should the nurse include in the plan of care for a client who just had a posterior lumbar laminectomy?
16. For which clinical indicator should the nurse assess a client who just had a microdiskectomy for a herniated lumbar disk?
17. A client with the diagnosis of Parkinson disease asks the nurse, “Why do I drool so much?” Which is the nurse’s best response?
18. What should the nurse instruct the client to do to limit triggering the pain associated with trigeminal neuralgia?
19. What action should the nurse take to prevent precipitating a painful attack in a client with tic douloureux?
20. A client with a hemiparesis is reluctant to use a cane. The nurse explains to the client that the cane is needed to:
21. A client is diagnosed as having expressive aphasia. What type of impairment does the nurse expect the client to exhibit?
22. Bed rest is ordered after a client’s brain attack results in hemiplegia. Which exercises should the nurse incorporate into the client’s plan of care 24 hours after the brain attack?
23. A client with myasthenia gravis asks the nurse, “What is going to happen to me and to my family?” What information about what the client can anticipate should be incorporated into the nurse’s response?
24. A client develops hydrocephalus 2 weeks after cranial surgery for a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. The nurse concludes that the hydrocephalus probably is related to which physiologic response?
25. A client is diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Which medication should the nurse anticipate will be prescribed for this client?
26. To what does the nurse attribute the increased risk of respiratory complications in clients with myasthenia gravis?
27. A client had a brain attack and bed rest is ordered. What can the nurse use to best prevent footdrop in this client?
28. A client with myasthenia gravis has been receiving neostigmine (Prostigmin) and asks about its action. What information about its action should the nurse consider when formulating a response?
29. What nursing action is essential when a client experiences hemianopsia as the result of a left ischemic stroke?
30. What should the nurse assess for in the immediate postoperative period after a client has brain surgery?
31. What nursing intervention is anticipated for a client with Guillain-Barre syndrome?
32. A nurse enters the room of a client with myasthenia gravis and identifies that the client is experiencing increased dysphagia. What should the nurse do first?
33. A nurse may find that, for optimum nutrition, a client with a brain attack needs assistance with eating. What should the nurse do?
34. A client with Guillain-Barre syndrome has been hospitalized for 3 days. Which assessment finding indicates a need for more frequent monitoring?
35. On which principle should a nurse base client teaching when planning to assist a client to reestablish a regular pattern of defecation?
36. A nurse is interviewing a client with a tentative diagnosis of Parkinson disease. What should the nurse expect the client to report about how the onset of symptoms occurred?
37. A recently hospitalized client with multiple sclerosis is concerned about generalized weakness and fluctuating physical status. What is the priority nursing intervention for this client?
38. A client with a brain attack has right hemiplegia. What occurs if the nurse uses the client’s right arm to obtain a blood pressure reading?
39. Which health problem does the nurse identify from an older client’s history that increases the client’s risk factors for a brain attack?
40. A client with myasthenia gravis asks the nurse why the disease has occurred. What pathology underlies the nurse’s reply?
41. A client with myasthenia gravis experiences dysphagia. What is the priority risk associated with dysphagia that must be considered when planning nursing care?
42. Which nursing action is specific to the plan of care for a client with trigeminal neuralgia?
43. The spouse of a client with a brain attack insists on doing everything for the client during visits. After these visits, the client seems to be depressed. The nurse understands that these visits probably have what effect on the client?
44. Which clinical indicator does the nurse expect to identify when assessing a client admitted with a herniated lumbar disk?
45. The spouse of a client who had a brain attack seems unable to accept the concept that the client must be encouraged to participate in self-care. What is the best response by the nurse?
46. What should the nurse include when planning care for a client with Bell palsy?
47. A nurse is caring for a client who has urinary incontinence as the result of a brain attack. What action should the nurse include in the plan of care to limit the occurrence of urinary incontinence?
48. A client with a brain attack is comatose on admission. Which clinical indicator is the nurse most likely to identify?
49. Which function must be addressed in the plan of care when a client has dysphagia?
50. What does the nurse understand that clients with myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) share in common?