Daily NCLEX Questions 2023/2024 - Free Test
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1. A client is diagnosed with Cushing syndrome. Which clinical manifestation does the nurse expect to increase in a client with Cushing syndrome?
2. A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis. What is the initial intervention that the nurse should expect the health care provider to prescribe for this client?
3. A nurse is monitoring for clinical manifestations of infection in a client with a diagnosis of Addison disease. Which body mechanism related to infectious processes does the nurse conclude is impaired as a result of this disease?
4. After a head injury a client develops a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). What should the nurse consider about the response to secretion of ADH before assessing this client?
5. A client who has just had an adrenalectomy is told about a death in the family and becomes very upset. What concern about the client requires the nurse to notify the health care provider?
6. A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for a bilateral adrenalectomy. Which medication should the nurse expect to be prescribed for this client on the day of surgery and in the immediate postoperative period?
7. Before discharge, a client who had a colostomy for colorectal cancer questions the nurse about resuming activity. What should the nurse teach the client about activity?
8. A nurse is caring for two clients newly diagnosed with diabetes. One client has type 1 diabetes and the other client has type 2 diabetes. The nurse determines that the main difference between newly diagnosed type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that in type 1 diabetes:
9. A client is admitted with a head injury. The nurse identifies that the client’s urinary retention catheter is draining large amounts of clear, colorless urine. What does the nurse iden tify as the most likely cause?
10. A client is diagnosed with cancer of the rectum and has surgery for an abdominoperineal resection and colostomy. Which nursing care should be implemented during the postoperative period?
11. A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of Cushing syndrome. What is the most common cause of Cushing syndrome that the nurse should consider before assessing this client for physiological responses?
12. A client is diagnosed as having the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The nurse reviews the client’s health history for possible situations in which exposure may have occurred. Which event does the nurse determine is the most likely source of this infection?
13. Which is an important intervention that the nurse should include in the plan of care that is specific for a client with Addison disease?
14. A nurse is assessing a client experiencing a diabetic coma. What unique response associated with diabetic coma that is not exhibited with hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) should the nurse identify when assessing this client?
15. How many inches should the nurse insert a catheter into the stoma when performing a transverse colostomy irrigation?
16. A client has a transverse loop colostomy. What should the nurse do when inserting a catheter for the colostomy irrigation?
17. A nurse is caring for a client with a nasointestinal tube. Which solution should the nurse use when instilling the tube to ensure its patency?
18. A client is diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis. Which insulin should the nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe?
19. A client who is receiving TPN reports experiencing nausea, thirst, and a headache. Which clinical factor should the nurse monitor initially to further assess the clients status?
20. A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes who has developed diabetic coma. Which element excessively accumulates in the blood to precipitate the signs and symptoms associated with this condition?
21. A client tells the nurse during the admission history that an oral hypoglycemic agent is taken daily. For which condition does the nurse conclude that an oral hypoglycemic agent may be prescribed by the health care provider?
22. A client is scheduled for ligation of hemorrhoids. Which diet does the nurse expect to be ordered in preparation for this surgery?
23. A client is scheduled for a bilateral adrenalectomy. Before surgery, steroids are administered to the client. What does the nurse determine is the reason for the steroids?
24. A health care provider orders a low-sodium, high-potassium diet for a client with Cushing syndrome. Which explanation should the nurse provide as to why the client needs to follow this diet?
25. Which nursing intervention is the priority when a client is first admitted with hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS)?
26. A client is scheduled for an adrenalectomy. Which nursing intervention should the nurse anticipate will be ordered for this client?
27. A client with a tentative diagnosis of Cushing syndrome has an increased cortisol level. For what response should the nurse assess this client?
28. A nurse is caring for a newly admitted client with a diagnosis of Cushing syndrome. Why should the nurse monitor this client for clinical indicators of diabetes mellitus?
29. What should the nurse do when collecting a 24-hour urine specimen?
30. A client with cancer of the colon had surgery for a resection of the tumor and the creation of a colostomy. During the 6-week postoperative checkup, the nurse teaches the client about nutrition. The nurse evaluates that learning has taken place when the client states, “I should follow a diet that is:
31. Which statement by an older adult most strongly supports the nurse’s conclusion that the client is impacted with stool?
32. A nurse is caring for a client with Addison disease. Which information should the nurse include in a teaching plan as a means of encouraging this client to modify dietary intake?
33. A client with untreated type 1 diabetes mellitus may lapse into a coma because of acidosis. An increase in which component in the blood is a direct cause of this type of acidosis?
34. A client is experiencing chronic constipation and the nurse discusses how to include more bulk in the diet. The nurse concludes that learning has occurred when the client states, “Bulk in the diet promotes defecation by:
35. A nurse is caring for a client who had an adrenalectomy. For what clinical response should the nurse monitor while steroid therapy is being regulated?
36. During a colostomy irrigation, a client reports feeling abdominal cramps. What should the nurse do in response to the client’s statement?
37. When teaching irrigation of a colostomy, how many inches above the stoma should the nurse teach the client to place the container?
38. A low-residue diet is recommended for a client. Which food should the nurse encourage the client to select from a menu?
39. A nurse is caring for a client with the clinical manifestation of hypotension associated with a diagnosis of Addison disease. Which hormone is impaired in its production as a result of this disease?
40. A nurse is monitoring a client’s laboratory results for a fasting plasma glucose level. Within which range of a fasting plasma glucose level does the nurse conclude that a client is considered to be diabetic?
41. A client who has acromegaly and insulin-dependent diabetes undergoes a hypophysectomy. The nurse identifies that further teaching about the hypophysectomy is necessary when the client states, “I know I will:
42. A client has severe diarrhea, and the health care provider prescribes intravenous fluids, sodium bicarbonate, and an antidiarrheal medication. Which most frequently ordered antidiarrheal drug does the nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe?
43. A client admitted to the emergency department has ketones in the blood and urine. Which situation associated with this physiologic finding should be the nurse’s focus when collecting additional data about this client?
44. After having a transverse colostomy, the client asks what physical effect the surgery will have on future sexual relationships. Which information should the nurse include in a teaching plan for this client?
45. A nurse is caring for a postoperative client who has diabe-tes. Which is the most common cause of diabetic ketoacidosis that the nurse needs to consider when caring for this client?
46. A client is admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of Addison disease. The client is emaciated and reports muscular weakness and fatigue. Which disturbed body process does the nurse determine is the root cause of the client’s clinical manifestations?
47. A nurse is caring for a client who had a hypophysectomy. For which complication specific to this surgery should the nurse assess the client for early clinical manifestations?
48. A health care provider writes orders addressing the needs of a client with Addison disease. Which outcome does the nurse conclude is the main focus of treatment for this client?
49. Which information from the client’s history does the nurse identify as a risk factor for developing osteoporosis?
50. An older adult client who is accustomed to taking enemas periodically to avoid constipation is admitted to a long-term care facility. In addition to medications, the health care provider prescribes bed rest and a regular diet. Which action should be implemented to help prevent the client from developing constipation?